I am writing about a topic that I have been thinking about for quite some time. It’s about where you preaching ends and your practice begins.
There are a few so called ‘devout’ Christians I have come across. I know that their families even run churches. These people back home I guess are very pious and goody goody. But at their work place, they leave their beliefs and faith behind and are no where Christian in their conduct. Deplorable clothes and deplorable attitudes. They do all the back stabbing, talking behind peoples back, not seeing right and wrong and so on.
Even in college, i remember such people. The belonged to the Christian movement and so on, but character, very questionable…
I am not a hard core religious person. I believe in God, and also believe that all people are equal and one should never hurt anyone intentionally and lead a clean and neat life. Be Good. That what George and me believe in. First be a good person, and then one can think of the rest. Your life will fall in place. Don’t be a Christian who would belt out sermons at the drop of a hat. Be a human being first, someone who every one trusts and believes, someone whom every one will look upon. This is the best glory you can give your God.
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago
Hi Anooja,
I love these lines, "Don’t be a Christian/Hindu/Muslim who would belt out sermons at the drop of a hat. Be a human being first, someone who every one trusts and believes, someone whom every one will look upon. This is the best glory you can give your God.
". Wish all people were like you and George!! Guess not all people are lucky enough like me to have all good people around them.
True Anooja, it is very important to live out what you believe.
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